We need different nutrients to maintain good health and to perform normal functioning of the body. During pregnancy, a balanced diet is crucial, because in the womb fetus needs quality nutrition for development and growth. Pregnant mother also needs essential nutrients that will help her body withstand during pregnancy. An adequate supply of nutrients is essential before and during pregnancy to meet maternal and fetal needs, ideal birth outcomes, and decreasing the risk of non-communicable diseases later in life.
What is malnutrition?
Malnutrition is the condition in which the body does not get sufficient nutrients, which are essential for the normal functioning of the body. There are two types of nutrients,
- Macronutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
- Micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
An adequate amount of these nutrients are needed to perform body functioning. A malnourished pregnant woman is more likely to give birth to a malnourished baby. As a result, the offspring can suffer from severe nutritional deficiencies that can affect the quality of life.
Causes of malnutrition
- Socio-economic conditions
Families with low socio-economic conditions are unable to buy healthy and nutritious food. That leads to malnutrition in mother as well as in children.
- Lack of knowledge
People should be aware of the importance of nutrition. Lack of awareness about a healthy and balanced diet can lead to malnutrition.
- Illness and infections
Infections such as fevers, diarrhea, and vomiting interrupted a person from getting adequate nutrition. Mental illnesses like stress and depression can also affect the individual’s ability to consume and digest sufficient nutrients. These infections and mental illness can diminish appetite and affect the digestive system.
- Dental problems
Painful teeth and gum infections create an obstacle to consume an adequate amount of nutritious food.
- Medication
Some medicines also interrupt the absorption of nutrients in the body, which leads to malnutrition.
- Morning sickness
Morning sickness during pregnancy can hinder a woman’s ability to consume different foods and may lead to malnutrition.
- Insufficient intake
During pregnancy, more than 300 extra calories per day required for the pregnant woman. If the woman is unable to consume an adequate quantity of food, this may lead to malnutrition.
Health risks of malnutrition in pregnancy.
During pregnancy, malnutrition causes several health risks both in the mother-to-be and her developing fetus. Here we enlist some health risks due to malnutrition in pregnancy.
Risks for Mother
- Maternal mortality
Women who are under-nourished when entered in pregnancy have a higher risk of dying during delivery or childbirth. Under-nourished women are at a higher risk of miscarriages at any stage during pregnancy.
- Anemia
If the woman enters pregnancy with anemia, the risk of adverse maternal outcomes increased, which means that she has fewer iron reserves or red blood cells than average, so the body’s oxygen demand does not accomplish.
- Osteomalacia
If the mom-to-be has a deficiency of calcium, this means she developed the condition known as osteomalacia experiencing soft and brittle bones.
- Toxaemia
Preeclampsia or toxemia is a condition in which woman undergoes high blood pressure, the higher protein level in the blood (albuminuria) and swelling (edema) on the hands and feet. This can compromise the life of both mother and baby.
- Obesity
If the adolescent enters pregnancy with overweight or obesity, the risk of maternal morbidity, preterm birth, infant mortality, and risk of childhood obesity is increased. Reducing overweight and obesity in adolescents may be of public health relevance in many contexts.
Risks for Baby
Malnutrition during pregnancy also affects the fetus. Some of they are,
- Stillbirth
A fetus of malnourished woman does not grow properly, so chances of mortality in the womb increased.
- Premature birth
Organs of premature babies are not fully developed and risks to suffering from several problems such as growth retardation, poor vision, brain damage, and muscle weakness, etc.
- Birth defects
Micronutrient deficiency during pregnancy can cause congenital disabilities in the baby. E.g., folic acid deficiency can cause a Spina bifida in which babies are born with a deformed spinal cord. This deformity can affect the ability to walk and lost control over bowel and bladder movements.
- Low IQ
Under-nutrition or wrong dietary practices during pregnancy influence child neurological development and cognitive function. Deficiency of iodine in the diet of pregnant mother may affect the mother and consequently the fetus. The severe consequence of iodine deficiency is cretinism that is characterized by profound mental retardation.
- Non communicable diseases
Pregnancy and early stages of life is critical stages that positively or negatively affect the childhood and adult life. Researchers suggested that the early malnutrition is associated with the risk of developing non communicable diseases later in their lives. Prenatal and postnatal undernutrition may lead to increase the risk factors for non-communicable diseases e.g., cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and osteoprocess in later in life. Healthy eating habits are important to reduce the risk of pediatric disorders, micronutrient deficiencies and non-communicable diseases.
How Can Malnutrition Be Prevented?
To improve the nutritional status of women, we must understand her dietary habits. It is also essential to know about their dietary choices, availability of food items, and their practices. Nutritional deficiencies and malpractices can be prevented by changing their eating habits, use of a balanced diet that comprises of whole grains, cereals, fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, and dairy products. During pregnancy, it’s important to take nutritious food and supplements regularly. It can ensure the health of both mother and the newborn.