If you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and your physician is trying to manage your symptoms by changing your diet plan and schedule your exercise and also use medicines to lower down blood sugar level. There is something wrong when you are doing everything right but your treatment plan is not supporting to improve your health. In this situation, you should go for a second opinion. Experts found that one-third of the adults above 30 years, primarily diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, have not that means they are not getting the right treatment plan. If you are misdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you will face serious complications.
Researchers found that currently, 3.9 million people are living with diabetes and 90% of them are type 2. There are millions of people with type 2 diabetes yet not diagnosed, increasing the number worldwide by more than 4.8 million. If the number of diabetic people rises at this speed including the undiagnosed patients. It is estimated to rise to 5.3 million by 2025
All of us have some knowledge about “Diabetes Mellitus” and lots of literature is also available. But what we do not know is that, the different types of diabetes with their unique treatment plans. Unfortunately, some of the widely available information about diabetes is based upon misconceptions which may lead to fatal consequences. So it is significant to familiarize more about diabetes and its types.
Types of Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease-causing higher blood sugar level. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), diabetes is classified into four subgroups.
Type 1 Diabetes mellitus
Type 1 diabetes, the body’s immune system destroys the insulin-producing cells leading to an absolute deficiency of insulin. It is less common than type 2 diabetes. It is also called juvenile diabetes because of usually diagnosed at a young age.
Type 2 Diabetes mellitus
Around 90% of people heaving a sedentary lifestyle and overweight may develop type 2 diabetes. It is commonly diagnosed in adults over 35 years of age.
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM): It is pregnancy-induced diabetes commonly seen in the second and third trimester. The symptoms disappear after giving birth. But the women and her child have increased risk of getting type 2 diabetes later on in their life.
Type 1.5 Diabetes mellitus
It is also known as Latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA) some physicians considered it type 1 diabetes of adults. It is a condition that shares the characteristics of both type 1 and 2 diabetes. In LADA insulin-producing cells of the pancreas also destroyed as in type 1 diabetes. But the onset of the disease is very slow. That may take several months up to several years to stop the production of insulin.
Have you been misdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes?
LADA is gradually developed and its slow onset is confusingly misdiagnosed with type 2 diabetes. So the number of cases needs re-evaluation to make the diagnosis of LADA. The confusion arises when the patient developed several manifestations of both types of diabetes. It is important to diagnose LADA as if misdiagnosed may lead the wrong treatment which could be hazardous.
There are four major signs which show that you might develop LADA instead of type 2 diabetes.
- You don’t have metabolic syndrome, such as obesity.
- Uncontrolled blood-sugar levels with type 2 diabetes medications.
- You have a family history of autoimmune diseases, such as type 1 diabetes, Rheumatoid arthritis.
- You batter respond to insulin treatment for your type 2 diabetes.
Is LADA common
According to the UK Prospective, Latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA) antibodies specific cases found to be between 6% to 10% of total cases. But 25% of cases are reported in the younger than 35 years of age.
How to manage LADA
As the onset of LADA is not sudden. It takes months or years to develop. So LADA patients may be able to produce some insulin to keeping blood sugar controlled. Insulin therapy delayed initially and in some cases postponed for some time. So initially the condition can be managed with oral antidiabetics. But if the blood sugar level is not controlled with oral treatments. Then the physician should think about insulin therapy. In some cases, insulin started early after the diagnosis of LADA to support the pancreas to produce insulin. Experts suggested, testing your blood sugar level regularly to minimize the complications.
Blood sugar testing can be helpful to control diabetes in multiple ways:
- Food choices and portion control
- Dose adjustment
- High or low blood glucose levels Nutritional management
You are living either with type 1 or 2 or LADA, always keep trying to control your blood sugar level. Exercise and diet are powerful tools to change your mood and feeling of gratitude. Try to change your lifestyle and always eat a variety of foods including;
- Fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy foods, lean meat, or substitute.
- Make portions of a variety of foods and not eat only one type of food.
- Do not eat too much food in a day
- Avoid skipping the meals
Get Active
Millions of people are living happy and healthy with diabetes. You should not only be active but also feeling good. Physical activity helps in relieving stress and keeps blood sugar at the optimal level. So ask your doctor about the physical activity which is batter for your health. Some physical activities include walking, swimming, yoga, etc
Ketoacidosis is short term fatal complication of LADA that develops when the pancreatic ability to produce insulin diminished. You should be aware of the signs of ketoacidosis and how to investigate ketones bodies.
Early management to control blood sugar levels helps to minimize symptoms. And reduce the complications of diabetes, including Heart and blood vessel problems, Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), Diabetic retinopathy, Kidney damage (nephropathy), and Nerve damage (neuropathy).
Generally, if you are a known patient of type 2 diabetes and your treatment is not helpful to reduce symptoms. You may alter your health by developing excessive thirst, excessive urination, blurred vision, high blood sugar, high levels of sugar in urine, fatigue, tingling in the hands or feet, frequent bladder and skin infections. Do not hesitate to talk to the doctor because you may have the possibility of (LADA).
If you visit the doctor’s very first time and diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. There is a possibility of Latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA) instead of type 2 diabetes. Especially if you have a family history of autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes.
It is very important that (LADA) should be correctly diagnosed to control symptoms as early as possible. A misdiagnosis can lead to serious complications. A diagnosis of (LADA) is based on the blood test. This test checks the antibodies against the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas.
Prevention of LADA
Some genetic factors involved in prevailing type 1.5 diabetes as of type 1 diabetes. So correct diagnosis and timely management is the best way to prevent complications of type 1.5 diabetes.